By Frankie Rufolo, For Britain candidate for Exwick Franke Rufolo confronts local Labour politician For almost a decade, Exeter City Council has been completely Labour-dominated. For twenty-five years, the MP Ben Bradshaw has held one of the party’s safest seats....
By Frankie Rufolo, Member & For Britain Candidate Guest Blogs and Opinion Pieces may not always reflect the views of the For Britain Party. This Christmas Eve should have been a joyous and peaceful time for us all, but on the other side of the world, yuletide was...
OPINION By Frankie Rufolo The leftie darling down under may have been sanctified throughout 2020, but now New Zealand’s Labour Prime Minister is losing the respect she once had. We’ve all seen it: that creepy clip of Jacinda Ardern in a press conference on...
by Paul Burgess, For Britain Spokesman for the Environment Huge numbers of people in a large number of industries depend on the myth of man made climate change. For a start tens of thousands of scientists would have no funding without keeping the alarm going. The...
By Mike Speakman, For Britain Nominations Officer. Now that the dust has mostly settled on this by election, I thought I would pen a few thoughts…. The party has a declared policy of not fighting parliamentary by elections (for now) and this determined the decision...