Anne Marie Waters
19th October 2021
It is not unheard of – in fact it is common – for the powerful to use a tragic event for their own ends. Last week’s murder of Conservative MP Sir David Amess is about to become a prime example.
The headlines on the newspapers today give the game away.
Much of the press is leading with stories that blame Sir David’s murder on social media. The implication is that it was heavily linked to ‘online abuse’, but at no point is it made clear why. Politicians do receive abuse online, but so does everyone else. It is the price of freedom. There will always be dreadful people willing to dish out insults, and the online world merely reflects that. If the internet is to be free, it will mean that criticism and insults will flow. It’s an inevitable part of life.
What isn’t inevitable is mass immigration, and that has of course been ignored in the wake of this murder.
Sir David Amess was allegedly murdered by a Somali Muslim who had been referred to the Prevent counter-extremism programme. That means it is highly likely that Ali Harbi Ali held some rather devout Islamic views and took issue with some of Sir David’s. For example, Amess was a supporter of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, a UK group opposed to the Islamic regime in that country. He was also a member of the Conservative Friends of Israel. Might these have been the motive for his killing? Quite possibly. It’s clear in that case that social media was not the cause. It could not have been the cause. It is merely a medium.
The UK is home to inter-Islamic feuds thanks to mass unfettered immigration. Jihadists are now part and parcel of our national life. Jihadi killings are part and parcel of our national life. The sole and exclusive reason for this is mass unfettered immigration, not social media.
Nonetheless, social media is getting the blame while mass immigration continues unfettered. The effect of this will be to further reduce our freedoms while doing nothing about the real problem.
One idea being floated is to end anonymity online. This is a catastrophic interference with our liberties. For many people, an anonymous account amounts to their sole ability to express their views. People in Britain today are afraid to speak openly to friends and colleagues, because they are afraid of being punished for their views. Many are even afraid to speak to family members, for the same reason. That leaves social media – their only outlet to tend to the very human need for self-expression.
The Tory government now plans to take that away. Millions of people will now have nowhere to turn.
We are living in a time of entirely unprecedented assaults on our freedoms. Our civil liberties have been disappearing since Tony Blair cast his dark shadow over Downing Street, but every Prime Minister and government since have continued his sinister work.
When governments take away our civil liberties, they take away our ability to hold them to account. Why would they do that? Because they intend to do something they know we won’t agree with. What they intend to do is end our countries, end our culture, end our way of life, and replace it with global open-border, anti-white, anti-British tyranny.
We won’t agree to that, so they take away our ability to stop them. Therefore, the only way to stop them is to get rid of them altogether, to remove them from power.
That’s coming. People will eventually say they will take no more. That time can’t come soon enough.
Anne Marie Waters
For Britain
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