16 January 2022 | Anne Marie Waters, Blogs, General, News
Anne Marie Waters Sunday 16th January 2022 Anyone who reads this column knows how many of our freedoms we have lost. Covid accelerated this loss, but didn’t create it, our liberties have been steadily reducing for some time. Under the Blair government for example,...
23 November 2021 | Anne Marie Waters, Blogs, General, News
OPINION By Frankie Rufolo The leftie darling down under may have been sanctified throughout 2020, but now New Zealand’s Labour Prime Minister is losing the respect she once had. We’ve all seen it: that creepy clip of Jacinda Ardern in a press conference on...
21 November 2021 | Anne Marie Waters, Blogs, General, Government, News
Anne Marie Waters Sunday 21st November 2021 It is always wise to avoid rushes to judgement. It is always wise to be in full possession of facts before making decisions (or at least as much as possible). It is always wise to avoid unnecessary worry – life’s...
7 November 2021 | Anne Marie Waters, Blogs, Free Speech, General, News
Anne Marie Waters Sunday 7th November 2021 Try as I might, I cannot figure out how socialism connects to climate, but apparently it does, at least that was a prevailing message in Glasgow on Friday. Members of For Britain gathered at George Square on the 5th of...
29 October 2021 | Anne Marie Waters, Blogs, Brexit, General, News
Kerry Jones Thursday 28th October 2021 International organisations such as the United Nations (UN), World Health Organisation (WHO), North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), World Trade Federation (WTF), and World Bank (WB) are all organisations that we...
25 October 2021 | Anne Marie Waters, Blogs, General, News
Kerry Jones Monday 25th October 2021 To continue from part one.… I will be using the US drawdown of troops, the UK’s evacuation of civilians, and future possible ramifications, as an example of how the government hopes people have the memory span of a...